Join our OKR Workshop.
He talks about Implementing OKRs with the A3 process. He also explains how to implement A3 thinking.
To address these challenges klose brothers GmbH is providing organizations with a short introduction to the goal setting framework: OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) that has been successfully implemented in companies like Google, LinkedIn, Samsung, Microsoft, in the public sphere and for personal development.
297,50 € p.P. incl. 19% VAT
1368,50 € p.P. incl. 19% VAT
“I have extensive business, project management, and technical experience in various startups and listed companies. I have a passion for helping grow self-organized teams within organizations!“
“I’m driven by a continuous passion for people development. I firmly believe that true success isn’t solely dictated by methodology but by every team member’s shared ownership of common goals. This foundation leads to thriving organizations and successful transformations.”
klose brothers gmbh
nahariyastraße 1
33602 bielefeld
Phone +49 (0)521 448188-00
milastraße 2
10437 berlin
Phone +49 (0)30 609899-20